
Our Class at Barrington High School Class of 1964


This was our 45th REUNION!
... and what a reunion it was too!

This is the team that put it all together! Clap! Clap! Clap!

click on photo to enlarge
BHS Class of 1964 45th Reunion Committee photo
2009 Class of '64 45th Reunion Committee

Synopis of the Reunion Weekend

Memories of our forty-fifth (is it possible?) reunion

Can you believe we’re in our 60s?  Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday we were teenagers?  Over the weekend, we got a little of our youth back.  We sang, we danced (some of us along side our haywagon float in the homecoming parade) and we talked and talked and talked about what it was like to go to Barrington High.

This reunion was different than earlier ones.  We weren’t concerned about how we earn our money, where we live, or what we’ve done.  It was more about who we are, how we got there, and what comes next.  The common points of our conversations have changed.  It was more about retirement, healthcare reform and Medicare.  Our bragging rights certainly aren’t about ourselves anymore and really not even about children for those of us who have them.  Rather, it was about grandchildren and pets and volunteer work.  And, of course, we focused on each other – those who were there and those who were not.  It seems incredible that 26 of our classmates have passed away and there may be more.  We talked a lot about:  Who are you in contact with?  Do you know what happened to this one?  How can we find that one?  Who do you think will come to the 50th?  But mostly, we talked about “old times” – building floats at Art Rice’s, having an undefeated football team our senior year, sock hops and dances and parties, teachers and classes and pranks. 

Friday night at the Wool Street Grill was a great beginning.  Ferry Teunisse and his wife Marianne came all the way from The Netherlands!  I think he’s the only exchange student who has ever attended one of our reunions.  But we found Michael Nevin in Australia and maybe he’ll come next time.  We’ve put Ferry on the 50th search committee to find Inci Erker from Turkey, Yary Andriamady from Malagasy and Wolfgang Teubert from Germany.  Maybe we can get some of the hosts to come too -- Lynn Barile, Bev Calhoun and John Cobb.

At the entrance to the upper room of the sports bar and grill, there was a lot of squealing and screaming from old girlfriends as they saw each other arrive.  The guys were more sedate but equally happy to see old friends.  I barely remember the pizzas since food wasn’t high on the priority list that night.  We were all trying so hard just to catch up but more people kept coming so it was difficult to connect with everyone.  When the music started downstairs, we had to talk over it, sometimes to the verge of getting hoarse.  I think there were at least 50 classmates there Friday in addition to many spouses and guests.  We started gathering at six but some started to fade when the downstairs music started – probably to rest up for the parade and big game the next day.  But some of us stayed later, and it was a good thing since Bob Santoro didn’t get there until almost 11.

Saturday started out with rain but it cleared by the time the parade stepped off.  We had a haywagon again with signs that read: “The Greatest Class on Earth – BHS Class of ‘64.”  Barrington under the Big Top was the homecoming theme and once again, Barb Putta and Carol (CJ) Gerhardt came dressed for the occasion as clowns, complete with wigs and red noses.  We tried to sing high school songs but couldn’t remember the words.  We got the first line of, “we’re loyal to you BHS,” and I think Gail Engelking remembered more.  But there are so many things forgotten these days!  Nancy Sullivan had found the Pep Club Handbook with all the old cheers, but Joy forgot to bring them.  Another lapse of memory, but they’re ready for next time!  Instead, we blasted the Beatles’ first album from JoAnn Allison’s boombox (yes some of us still hold on to old technology).  It was amazing that Ferry and his wife knew every lyric!  Cal had the energy to dance alongside our “float” for the entire length of the parade route and was still raring to go later that night.

After the parade, many of us went on the high school tour and saw the $9 million renovation of the swimming pool, along with other incredible improvements.  At one point our tour guide took us down a “new” hallway and was very proud to point out that the steelwork overhead was actually the original beams from the gymnasium that we once knew.  It’s hard to explain and I wish I could draw, but you’ll have to see it to believe it.  One more memory bites the dust.  I think the only thing we recognized was the hallway that went by the study hall.  It still has the glass wall that looks into the grassy courtyard and many of us remembered walking around there to see and be seen before school.

We walked back into town for lunch at Baloney’s next to the Catlow and once again, they had set up tables for us in the lobby of the theater.  This brought back even more memories of who saw what movie there with whom.  Did you ever know the trick of pretending to drop something on the floor and then leaning down to get it as an excuse for stealing a kiss where no one could see you?  Then came the football game along with the rain.  I understand that not too many classmates braved the weather to cheer the Bronchos to victory and I was really in trouble with Jolene Shay for not showing up with the red and white pom-poms.  You’ll have to check with her for a play-by-play but I know that we did win the game.

Saturday night was the dinner dance at Inverness Golf Club.  It’s really a nice facility and they did a wonderful job with the food and set-up.  The cocktail hour was more conversation and greeting classmates who didn’t come Friday or to the parade.  I think there were 80 people there and they came from all over – Oregon, California, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Indiana, Wisconsin and, of course, many from Illinois.  Oh, I almost forgot – one came from Washington, DC – can you guess who?

Hank was quite a hit – mostly because he brought money to give to us.  (That’s a little joke.)  Actually, some of us had bills with his printed signature that we wanted him to sign.  But he surprised us by having a supply of brand new one dollar bills that he did sign personally.  Hank was charming and told us all about the appointment, the challenge of the problem he set out to solve and how difficult it is to write about it since he kept no notes while moving through the crisis so quickly.  However, at the end of the night I saw a different side to our famous friend when he started talking about his grandchildren and how they call him “Papa.”  I guess we were all bragging about the miracle of grandchildren and this truly was a leveling point for everyone at our table because we all had endearing stories to share.

But let me get back to the party.  Cal started off as MC wearing a mask because he didn’t want to catch Swine Flu (or anything else) from any of us.  He talked about our classmates who had passed away and then introduced Joy who did the lion’s share of the work, especially finding lost classmates and learning about so many of the deaths.  She welcomed all of us and told some stories about the committee’s work and past reunions.  Then she asked Gayle Bethel to come up and read her humorous rendition of “Then and Now.”  It’s amazing how things have changed and she really put a funny spin on our aging process. 

Anyway, the food was delicious and the great band that Mel Ott found (for a bargain) provided a guitarist and a lady singer to supply background music during dinner.  Later, when dessert was served, they let it rip with all the songs we remembered from our high school days.  After a twist that went on forever (someone asked if the songs were longer of if our stamina was just really reduced), they went into “Wooly Bully” and we had to tough it out to prove to these young musicians that we’re not totally decrepit.  When the band took a break, Cal got everyone together for our group picture and he took shots of smaller groups by grade school.  These are already posted on his page at Shutterfly under “BHS Reunion.”  The URL is www.caldoughtyphotos.shutterfly.com.  There were disposable cameras on each table and when those get developed we’ll put them into the album library of past reunions.  If there are good ones we’ll scan them for the website.

So we danced through the night (and held each other tight) until the band packed up a little after 11 o’clock.  But the conversations continued until the bar shut down and the committee members started packing up the memorabilia table.  I was, of course, one of the last to go but Jack Train, Scott King and Cook Rollo were still there.  Scott told me later that the manager asked them to leave so they went out on the front porch.  Then the manager came out and asked them to please leave the property!  Cook and Scott found another watering hole and continued their discussion until the wee hours.

Sunday came early and we had to be at Biltmore at 10 for brunch.  Joy and I were amazed at how many came.  She said that this was the biggest turnout for Sunday that we’ve ever had.  It was as if no one wanted to leave.  Once again, the food was delicious and we had a great room.  It looked right out at that tee that’s at the top of the big hill we used to use as a toboggan run.  The sun was shining and the sky was blue and the leaves were beginning to turn.  In all, a great ending to a terrific weekend.  One by one people drifted away who had to catch flights back to whatever part of the country they came from.  Joy put together a directory that has a lot of information from people who filled out the questionnaire.  With others it includes to most up-to-date information we have.  There are still a lot of names on the lost list.  I think John Roth has that posted on the website so please check to see if you know where anyone is.

We’re having a committee wrap-up at Joy’s later this month to discuss this past weekend and start making plans for the 50th.  I think we learned some things this time around.  It’s amazing how well we did considering we didn’t really start planning this one until April or May.  It’s been suggested that next time we have one hotel of choice where all the out-of-towners can stay and then plan to hold the Friday night event there.  Also, we’ll put more thought into the “float.”  One class had a big, flatbed truck with picnic tables.  It could hold many more people and we could all sit down – maybe for breakfast enroute!  And, depending on the theme, perhaps more of us could get in character – although it’s always interesting to see what Barb and CJ will do.  Another thought is to do what we did at the 25th when we had Sunday brunch at Art’s.  Then we were invited to bring our children.  Maybe this time we can bring our grandchildren – if they’re interested!

So, that’s it – another write-up of another memorable reunion.  It’s a whole lot wrapped into one weekend but well worth the effort and the time.  Somehow, there’s nothing like reconnecting to remember the good old days when we were so young and “high spirited.”  I have great memories of Barrington and I’m glad I had a fun childhood.  I’m probably idealizing a lot of what went on, but isn’t that one of the prerogatives of being older???

by Sharyn Wison Woods



Invitation page: click on image

Look who came:

Bob Santoro
Stacy (Magill) MacDonald
Jan Alexander Goodman & guest
Ray Dickinson & spouse
Gayle Bethel Johnson
Jim Condill & spouse
Joy W Sweet & spouse
Penney N Mc Connel & spouse
Cheryl Jakes Markovich & spouse
Thomas Baur & spouse (Lee)
B. Jolene Shay Hartje
Scott King
Rob Mackintosh
Ferry and Marianne Teunisse
Cheryl Jakes Markovich and spouse(Joe)
Nancy Sullivan and Cal Doughty
Janet Smith Merchant & spouse(Adrian)
Ray Dickinson
Andy Rockwood and spouse(Margi)
Katherine Lorenz Charles
Tuegel Paul Musschoot and guest(Carol Collins)
Norman Oye and spouse(Barb)
Alan Stock
Sharyn Wilson Woods
Jo Ann Allison
Sandra Gaunt Sternal & spouse(Joseph)
Dale Meller and spouse(Elizabeth Prodonovich)
Susan Hoffman Stroh
Mel Ott & spouse(Anne)
Dave Frederick & spouse (Julie)
Art Rice
Scott King
Robert Bussee & spouse (Bev)
Jack Train
Ray Currid & spouse (Melissa)
Nancy Shelhamer Pederson & spouse (Bud)
Carol Gerhardt & spouse(Jay Landman)
Sheila Scully Baker & spouse(Rick A'loia)
Wendy Widhelm Tedder
Curtis Sexton
Ronald Flubacker & spouse(Pat)
Dave Evans & spouse (Bethany)
Irene Dixon Howe
Dawn Larson Edwards & spouse(Jay)
Jane Condon Riley & spouse(Kevin)
Michael Westfall & guest
Marsha Williksen
Henry Paulson & spouse(Wendy)
Betty Cairo Woodward |
Cook Rollo
Siamanto Etian & spouse(Nancy)
Linda Mabbs
Bill Snell

They were there ... and missed you if you wern't.

They began on .... Friday around 7:00 pm at the at the Wool Street Grill in Cary and then on Saturday evening at the swank Inverness Country Club with dinner and dancing and then after partying the night away meeting for a relaxed Brunch on Sunday morning at the gorgeous Biltmore Country Club.

Soon to come are the photos from the 45th reunion...

...check back soon!

Photos from the 40th Reunion in October 1-3, 2004. Click on the images to enlarge
Curt Sexton and Siamanto Etian MacAdoo
Chuck Teugal
Dave Fredrick and partner Dave & Marty Gehler DeBolts and Chuck Teugel
Dickenson Kostic and Fisher Engelking - Santoro Engelking, Fisher and Scullys

Joy can you send me the address of Dr. Smith, the guy that sponsered us for golf at Biltmore I would like to send him a personal thank you. Hope all is well with you Thanks again for all you hard work. We had the greatest time playing golf with Bill Anderson and Cookie Rollo, we told so many stories and just laughed. It made the weekend evern more special. Your job though, was spectacular. I sent some of my pictures to Roth and I love the picture of Gail and I dancing and Sexton asking who is the mystery women? I emailed Curt and asked him if he was blind.You don't recognize Gail? I still look at the pictures on the internet and just smile and think my GOD its been 40 -------years, I don't feel any older, to some extent, but where has the time gone. We skipped through our kids and now we are into retirement???? thanks again.-Bob Santoro  

Other responses below click here

Goulish Homecoming Queens at the BHS Class of 64 parade float Barrington High School 2004 Homecoming parade
Our goulish Homecoming Queens
Goulish Homecoming Queens at the BHS Class of 64 parade float Barrington High School 2004 Homecoming parade Barb Putta & Carol Carol Gerhardt Goulish Homecoming Queens at the BHS Class of 64 parade float Barrington High School 2004 Homecoming parade
Clark, Sweet, MacDonald, Shelhammer, John Clavin and Curt Sexton Ray & Melissa Currid
John Clavin and Joy Sweet Joy Sweet and Linda Mabbs
Phil Knudsen, Bill Anderson and Rob Macintosh BHS 64 Reuinion Art Rice Condon's and Al Stock
Allison, Tegel and Bethel Busse and Fisher

Comments from Broncos.

Dear Joy, I meant to get this off as soon as I got home last week, but I guess I have to admit that it's probably a record that it's only a week later. Anyway, before it's way late, I want to let you know how much I enjoyed the reunion and especially seeing you there. It's amazing how the years seem to melt away in the context of warmth, humor and shared pasts. It was fun. Also, I appreciate all of your work, and yes, the committee's, too. You put together a great weekend.  Cheers,  Carol

Hi Joy,

...You are so great to keep hosting these things. I can't believe I haven't gotten to any of them since our tenth. I sure enjoyed working on that one with you. I've had a pretty full report from Gail about this one. Wish it had worked out to be there. John's Mom passed away this year and there have been several trips back and forth with at least one more required to empty her house on North Avenue. (She had lived there her whole 92 years and the house has been in the family since it was built in something like 1875, so there's a lot of emptying to do!) Anyway, throwing in an extra trip just didn't pan out. John and I were at his reunion (BHS'63) last fall. That's the first one of his he's been to. ...
It sounds as if each reunion has been a big success. Even though I haven't made them, I am greatful to you and the others for keeping it going. Hopefully we'll make the next one!

.... And thanks again!! Julie

Joy:  The 40th BHS reunion was the best ever. I'm still reflecting on what a good time I had and how nice it was to see some old friends--some who hadn't been back for any of the previous reunions.  Thank you and the committee for the hard work and careful planning. The schedule, the venues, the price, you name it, were all perfect. I'm looking forward to the next one--keep me in mind if there's anything that I can do to help. ...Dale



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